Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Oromo Political Prisoners Tortured by Woyane Abyssinian Army (VOA Audio)

What we Oromo’s can learn from the South Sudan People’s liberation struggle

By Bakalcho Barii*

Over one point five millions South Sudanese died in the long and protracted civil war with their Northern Arab rulers and millions more were displaced and made refugee around the globe before they finally freed themselves as an independent nation in July of 2011, and stood tall among the one hundred and ninety six independent nations of the world.

One might argue that South Sudanese achieved their independence with all round supports rendered to them by Western countries, particularly the United States and Britain. Many would also argue that Britain provided them material, diplomatic and other needed logistics to compensate for their wrong doing by merging the Southern Sudanese, who have little or no connections with their Northern counter parts during their occupation of the Sudan.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Elephant in the Room: The Ethiopian Empire State and the Oromo National Struggle for Liberation.

The Ethiopian Empire state is on the verge of collapse like other empires in history. The empire rulers can no more hide the Oromo struggle for liberation under the guise of religion and territorial integrity. The Oromo question is the Elephant in the room for the current Ethiopian rulers and its foreign backers, and any attempt to delay the inevitable would be not a wise thing to do before the people of the south and the Oromo’s take things in their own hand to stop the killings in their own backyards. Therefore, the immediate and urgent task for the Oromos and the southern nations is to intensify their struggle and realize the total victory that is within reach for the total emancipation of their people.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Telling the Truth Does not make one “anti-Ethiopian”

I was one of the loyal readers of the for I like its lively comments, which are full of conspiracies, suspicious, sarcasm, humor, and which are in a way reflective of reality of the Ethiopian politics. These days, I visit the website sporadically after it developed strong tone of Ityopiyawinnat recently, and it imposed a blanket sanction on the viewpoints of Oromos. For instance, the website did not post most or all recent issues dealing with the Oromo people in Ethiopia on the Aljazeera including an article “The Oromo and the War on Terror in the Horn of Africa” written by Ambassador Akbar Ahmed and Frankie Martin of the American University. Their piece became an issue only after a certain Dula Abdu wrote a piece about it, “Anti-Ethiopia article from American University Faculty and Al Jazeera.” Technically, Nazret readers are informed about “The Oromo and the War on Terror in the Horn of Africa” through the piece and the vantage point of Mr. Dula Abdu. A Nazret approach does not enhance a constructive debate on the future of Ethiopian among various actors and stakeholders. In fact, whether we like it, or not, the future of Ethiopia belongs to all Ethiopians, those who consider themselves Ethiopia First or Oromo First or whatever first. We have to hear all viewpoints, including ones we agree and disagree with, ones we like or dislike, and ones we praise or castigate.  The era of paternalism, we know what is good or bad for all Ethiopians, is over.

Friday, July 26, 2013

በዲያስፖራ ያለውን የወቅቱን የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ በማስመልከት በአውሮፓ የኦሮሞ ወጣቶችና የሴቶች ማህበራት የጋራ መግለጫ: እኛም በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ ኦሮሞ ነን።

በአሁኑ ወቅት የኦሮሞ ፖለቲካዊና ዲፕሎማሲያዊ እድገት እርር ድብን ያደረጋቸው የአጼዎቹ ቡችሎች በአጼዎቹ ልጆች በተፈጠሩ ሚዲያዎች ላይ አንድን ግለሰብ በማስታከክ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ የቃጡትን ሀሰታዊ የፖለቲካ ዘመቻ ለህመማቸው ፈውስ ሳይሆን ማባባሻ እንደሆነ ልናስጠነቅቃቸው እንወዳለን።

ነጻነት ዲሞክራሲና እኩልነት ስራ ላይ በሚውልበት ሀገር ውስጥ እየኖሩ ስለነጻነት ዲሞክራሲና እኩልነት የማይረዱ ግለሰቦች በምን አይነት መልኩ ሊማሩ እንደሚችሉ መገመት አዳጋች ነው። ለማመን በጣም አስቸጋሪ የሚሆነው ደግሞ እነዚህ ግለሰቦች በትምህርት ደረጃ ማእረጋቸውና በአስተሳሰባቸው መሀከል ያለው ርቀት የሰማይና የመሬት ያህል መሆኑ ነው።


ይህንን መጣጥፍ ለመጻፍ ያነሳሳኝ ነገር ቢኖር የኦሮሞ ናሽናሊዝም የደረሰበትን ጥግ ለመጦቆምና ይህንን የወቅቱን መነሳሳት አንድእት ትግሉን አንደሚጠቅም ውይይት ለመጫር ነው፡፡

ሁላችንም አንደምናውቀው ባለፉት 3 ሳምንታት ገደማ ሁለት ወጣት ፖለቲከኞችና የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር ተወካይ ከኣልጀዚራ ቲቪ ጋር ባደረጉት ውይይት በጠላት ሰፈር ይህ ነው የማይባል ሁከትና መደናገጥን ፈጥሮዋል፡፡ በፖለቲካ ቋንቋ ኳሷን ከአኛ ክልል ኣውጥተን በኢትዮጵያዊያን ኣንድነት መዳ ላይ መጫወት መጀመራችንን ኣመላካች ነው፡፡ በለላ መልኩ በኦሮሞ ብሓርተኝነት ላይ ትልቅ መነሳሳትን ፈጥሯል፡፡

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Egypt Calls on Ethiopia to Seek Solution on Nile Water Sharing

July 20, 2013 | Bloomberg

 By Maher Chmaytelli

Egypt will try reach a solution for its conflict with Ethiopia about a dam on the Nile river, Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy said.

“We will take action to guarantee the water security of Egypt and preserve our rights in the waters of the Nile,” he told a televised press conference in Cairo today. “We call on the Ethiopian side to respond.”

Ethiopia this year decided to proceed with the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, planned as Africa’s largest hydropower plant, ignoring Egypt’s concern that its water supply would be reduced.

"We Are Oromos First Too!" - Statement from OYSA

July 20, 2013 | Oromo Youth Self-help Association (Washington, DC)

A statement from Oromo Youth Self-Help Association (Washington, DC) condemning the attack on journalist Abdi Fite

Oromummaa or Oromo nationalism has achieved successive victories and reached a higher level to mobilize the untapped Oromo human resources for a just cause – Oromo national movement that had been continuously and viciously attacked by successive Ethiopian regimes.

Even though Oromummaa has proved its maturity, firm stand, commitment and readiness to pay the necessary sacrifices back in Oromia, the recent minor retreat in the Oromo struggle has given the old empire builders in the Diaspora the courage not to accept the truth, just cause and strong Oromo nationalism. Instead they have wrongly convinced themselves that this would be a right time to rehabilitate and wage counter attack on Oromumma – which is altogether a futile attempt to begin with.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Seife Nebelbal Radio Programs Interviews with Artist Aliye and Prof. Merera Gudina

Ethiopia's rights abuses 'ignored’ by aid agencies

July 19, 2013 | Euractive

Britain’s Department for International Development (DfID) and the American aid agency USAID have been accused of ignoring evidence of human rights abuses allegedly linked to their support for a multibillion-dollar social services programme in Ethiopia.

A report published on Wednesday (17 July) by the US-based think tank the Oakland Institute details a long list of grievances presented to aid officials from the UK and US by communities in the Lower Omo Valley in southern Ethiopia.

They claim they suffered intimidation, beatings, rape, forced evictions and other abuses as a result of the government's controversial "villagisation" resettlement programme, which seeks to clear land to make way for commercial investments.


Y.G(2005)* | Adoolessa 18, 2013

Mata dureen barruu kiyya har’aa lamadha. Tokko firaaf, tokko diinaaf. Waggoota dheeraaf mooraa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti waan mul’atu hundaaf, sababaan Hogganaa jedhamee ka’uun dhaga’a. Hogganoonni Qabsoo Oromoos komee kana of irraa kaasuuf, Hogganummaa irraa ka’uu akka danda’an dubbachuu isaanii dhaga’eera, argeeras. Ani gama kootiin, Hogganoota qabsoo haa geeddaraman, ykn haa ka’an, ykn isaantu qabsoo duubatti harkise yennaa jennu, akka waloottis, dhunfaattis yennaa arrabsinu, salphisnu, Dulloomaniiruu haa ka’an yennaa jennu, Namoonni qeeqa kana kaasan, mooraa qabsoo Oromoo akka gaaritti hubatanii ykn xiinxalanii dubbataa jiru? moo, namni waan jedhuuf afarsaa jiru? moo, addunyaa irratti waan arginu irraa ka’anii, odoo lafaa waa hin qabaatiin ykn sochii tokkollee hin taasisiin lallabaa jiru? moo, haaluma qabsoon Oromoo itti jiru akka gaaritti qalbeeffannee dubbachaa fi qeeqaa jirra moo, furmaata dhumaatu kanaa jennee dubbannamoo, halgaan isin hogganuu dandeessu jedhanii dantaa isaaniif waan gara garaan waan nu dammaqsaniif dubbannaa? moo, dhuguma dhaloota haaraa isaan dhaalu qopheeffannee lafaa qabnamoo, namni dhuunfaa hogganoota waliin wal dhabee waan katabee ykn dubbateef waliin dhaabbanna moo, Hogganootuma qabsoo kana kaafnee akka haaraatti of dhaabnaadha moo,…….. maal jechuu akka barbaadamu naaf hin liqifamu.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hayyudureen ABO J/Daawud Ibsaa Ummanni Oromoo Rakkoo Ulfaataan Qabamuu Ibsuun, Waamicha Qabsoo Dabarsan

Ethiopian opposition holds rare protests

July 14, 2013
Ethiopian opposition activists on Sunday demanded the release of journalists and political prisoners jailed under anti-terror legislation in demonstrations in two major towns.

In rare public outpours of anger, people marched peacefully in the towns of Gondar and Dessie, chanting "freedom" and carrying pictures of jailed politicians and journalists.

Government officials said there were around 1,500 protesters in total in both towns, while the activists themselves claimed the number to be as high as 20,000.

Oromiyaa baldhoo qoqooduuf shira wayyaaneen itti turtee fi jirtu. Nutoo gochaa diinaa kana bifa kamiin hubachaa jirra?

Adoolessa 14, 2013 | Camadaa Hundee irraa*

Wayyaaneetti mataa dhukubbii guddaa kan itti ta’ee jiru keessaa, baayyina ummata Oromoo fi baldhina dachee oromiyaa ti. Wayyabummaan oromiyaa fi ummata Oromoo xiqqeessuuf jecha eega aangoo qabattee kaastee shira dhuma hin qabne oromiyaa keessatti dalagdee jirti. Haata’uuti garuu shirri TPLF kun akka isheen barbaadetti dhugoomufii tasa hin dandeenye. Qorqalbii oromiyaan baldhoodhaa fi ummati Oromoo biyyatti keessa wayyaba jedhu balleessuuf jecha heeraa fi seera ofii tumatte dahoo godhachuudhaan ummta Oromoo irratti daba dhiifama hin qabne irratti hojattee jirti. Shira wayyaaneen hojataa turtee fi ammas itti jirtu amma tokko kaasanii ilaaluun eddu gaarii dha.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jawar Mohamed Interview

እንዳንተማ ቢሆን! – ይህ ግጥም ለአቤ ቶክቻዉ, ለዶክተች ፍቅሬ ቶለሳ እና ለመሰሎቻቸዉ ማስታወሻ ይሁን

በበሪሶ ገዳ*

እንዳንተማ ቢሆን!!

እንዳንተማ፡ ቢሆን፡ እንደ፡ አስተሳሰብህ
ሆነን፡ እንቀር፡ ነበር፡ አሽከር፡ ለጌቶችህ!
በስመ፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ብሄረ፡ ኢትዮጵያዊነት
የማይጨበጥ፡ ተረት፡ የቀን፡ ህልም፡ ቅዥት
አንድ፡ ላይ፡ ሊወቀጡን፡ ሁሉንም፡ ጨፍልቀዉ
በራሳቸዉ፡ ምስል፡ ሊሰሩን፡ ጠፍጥፈዉ
ያልሆንነዉን፡ እንድንሆን፡ ማንነት፡ ቀይረዉ
በአንድነት፡ መዶሻ፡ ብሄርን፡ ደፍጥጠዉ
የኦሮሞ፡ ልጅ፡ ኩራት፡ ወግ፡ ባህል፡ አጥፍተዉ
ሳር፡ መሬት፡ ቅጠሉን፡ ወንዝ፡ ሸንተረሩን
ሁሉን፡ ቀያይረዉ፡ አፍርሰው፡ ሊገጥሙን

Oromo Talents in the Habesha Political Clubs

By Fayyis Oromia*

The Oromo nationalists seem to be legitimately too quick to accuse and judge certain fellow Oromo individuals, who seem to work with the Abyssinians, as being politically on the wrong side and so to be possibly guilty of commision. We sometimes denounce such fellow Oromos as being collaborators, betrayers of our objective, and even paint them as criminals, who did atrocities against the Oromo nation. Then, all who are denounced like this, will usually be denied the recognition regarding their talents, which we would have respected irrespective of the fact to whom service they applied their talents. Who were/are actually the targets of such judgement of ours? Let’s look at our history and our status quo in short for this may help us to correct our mistakes in order to achieve our desired future destiny.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Walking From the Ogaden in Ethiopia

By Graham Peebles

July 8, 2013 (Media with Conscience) – Many people living outside Africa, most perhaps, have never heard of the Ogaden (or Somali) region of Ethiopia, they know nothing of the murders rapes and destruction that the ethnic Somali’s allege are taking place there. We all have our problems and what can I do anyway, these governments are corrupt, we – meaning western governments shouldn’t be sending them money, especially now with all the public sector cuts taking place. So runs the uninformed, albeit understandable response.

ጉዱ የማን ሆነና? ይድረስ ለአቤ ቶክቻው

July 09, 2013

ከግርማ ታደሰ

ይድረስ ለአቤ ቶክቻው

ይህን ደብዳቤ በቅርቡ “ጉድ በል ሰላሌ” በሚል ርእስ ባወጣኸው ላይ ተመርኩዤ የፃፍኩት ሲሆን እሱን በአንድ ቁምነገር በመያዜ ምክንያት ሳላወጣው ብቆይ ሌላ ጦርነት በኦሮሞና በተለይም ጃዋር ላይ ስትከፍቱ (አንድ ታዛቢ “ጨርቅ ጥሎ ማበድ” ብሎታል)በግርምት እየተከታተልኩ ቆየሁ::

ለነገሩ ለእንቶ ፈንቶ መልስ እየሰጡ እሰጥ አገባ መግጠምና ጊዜ ማጥፋት አስፈላጊ ባይሆንም እንቶ ፈንቶ ሲበዛ እውነት የሚመስላቸው ስለማይጠፉ መልስ መስጠት የግድ ይላል::


According to many Ethiopia  Medias and FBI has foiled an attempt by the Ethiopian government to assassinate anti weyane or TPLF. Please note here I said the Ethiopian government since there seems to be no thin line between the TPLF party and the government. Why I am not surprised? I am not surprised because for the TPLF violence is sanctioned by the party leaders as a legitimate tool to achieve political, economic and military dominance.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

He Who Lives in a Glass House Shouldn’t Throw Stones at Others

By Oumar Hussein | 07/05/2013

Dr. Getachew Reda, I read your article in defense of Dr. Fikre tolassa about Oromo people with curiosity. The article is full of lies and isn’t substantiated with evidences. According to you, the word Galla isn’t a derogatory, and the Oromo people should call themselves as such. And you said you are unable to find any evidence or anyone to disproof your argument. You are like “some men go through a forest and see no firewood.”  You have failed to mention evidences in your article except hearsay; you need to back up your arguments with evidences. Dr. Getachew, let me list some of the Amhahara sayings: Gallana sagara iyyader yigemal; Galla kemiweldegn berie barragn; Galla siseltin begabi lay kis yisefal. These sayings clearly depict the derogatory nature of the word galla. Dr. Getachew, can you find any Oromo in today’s Ethiopia from east to west or north to south who calls himself/herself galla? You cannot come across anyone.  So, why do you want us to carry the name we don’t want?  We call ourselves Oromo. As the late Chinua Achebe once remarked “nobody can teach me who I am. You can describe me parts of me, but who I am – and what I need – is something I have to find out myself.” It is just like telling the African Americans to call themselves ‘nigger.’ This is a typical nature of Amhara elites.  This is not new. The Amhara elites always want us to abandon Afaan Oromoo and speak and write in Amharic. This reminds me what Europeans used to tell Africans to write their literature in English, French and Portuguese. And Ngugi Wa Thiongo, a Kenyan writer, responded like this: “There is something very wrong in saying to a human being, ‘Let me cut off your legs and I will give you artificial ones, which will be perfect.’ I’m saying let us walk on our own two feet.”


Y.G(2005) | Adoolessa 7, 2013

Siyaasa Itoophiyaa bara 1991 kaasee gaggeeffaamaa jiru keessatti, carraalee nu fayyaaduu danda’an hedduu nu miliqanii jiran. Hojiilee itti fufiinsaan irratti hojjatamuu qabanii fi, wayyaanee angoo irraa qaariisuuf nu gargaaran hedduu nu mudatanii turan.carraaleen kun ofii isaanii kan umaman odoo hin taane, qaamootuma sochiilee qabsoon kan umaman turan. Carraaleen kun akkamiin nu dabranii fi maaliif itti fayyaadamu dadhabne ? isa jedhuuf sababaa hedduu tarrisuutu danda’ama. Yoo danqaalee kanneen tarrisuuf ragaa hedduu qabaannu illee , waan yeroo san nu mudateef hubannoo gaariin waan jiruuf, irra deebi’uun barbaachisaa natti hin fakkaatu. Garuu waan gara fuula duraatti nu mudachu malaniif bu’ura taasifachuun, wal gorfachuun dansaadha jedheen amana. wanni dagachuu hin qabne garuu , carraalee wayyaanee mogolee jalaa kaasuuf nu gargaaran kanneen, maaliif akka itti fayyadamu dadhabne qorannee isa itti aanuuf of qopheessuun fardii ta’uu isaati. Kanas ta’u sana carraalee nu milqanitti gaabbinnee akka irra hin deebi’amneef hojjachuun murteessaadha.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Aanolee Remembrance Day and Calanqoo Remembrance Day

By Abraasaa Dirree | July 6, 2013

Despite George Santayana’s admonition that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it, we, Oromos, are better forgetters than rememberers.

Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Ellie Wiesel once wrote: “without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.” We, Oromos, must heed Ellie Wiesel’s words. We must memorialize the Aanolee and Calanqoo genocides. We must ensure that the Aanolee and Calanqoo victims and lessons are never forgotten. We must commemorate, each year, the thousands of innocent men, women and children massacred at the hands of the Abyssinians during the most heinous chapter in Oromo history – colonization. We must pay tribute to the courage of the Oromo people in that time of gravest peril.

MaddaWalaabuuPress: Qophii Bashananaa – Xumura Korra Gamtaa Kutaalee ABO Godiina Ewurooppaa, Oslo, Norway (Waxabajjii 29, 2013)

Friday, July 5, 2013

Seife Nebelbal Radio: News & Interview with Jawar Mohammed, Jemal Ibrahim and Geresu Tufa


Qabsoon Oromoo Tokko… Qabsaawonni isaa garuu adda kudha tokko!

Adooleessa 05, 2013 | Komataa Sabaa irraa

Lammii Afrikaa Kibbaati. Luuba beekamaa, qabsoo hodhooftuu gurraachi Afrikaa kibbaa cunqursaa warra adii jalaa bahuuf taasise keessatti nama qooda guddaa taphate. Dismoondi Tuuttuu. Luubni kun yeroo tokko biyya Ameerikaa keessatti walgahii guddaa tokko irratti carraa argamee haasaa taasisuu argatee ture. Haasaa dheeraa inni godhe keessaa ani barruu gabaabduu armaan gadiif dhadhaabbata naaf ta’a kanan jedhe fudheera. Barruun Tuuttuu itti seensa barruu kiyyaaf miiltoo naaf ta’aaf malee seenaa isaa barreessuuf yaadeen miti.

A Successfull Fudraising Effort to Support OLA