Saturday, June 29, 2013

WBOn Haleellaa Diina Irratti Fudhatu Itti Fufee Bakkoota Adda Addaatti Injifatnoo Galmeessise

Madda Oduu ABO/MOA | Waxabajjii 28, 2013

Godina Wallagga Bahaatti humni addaa WBO tarkaanfii fudhate. Waxabajjii 19, 2013 humni addaa WBO basaasa Wayyaanee Taddaasee H/Sillaasee jedhamu Godina Wallaggaa Bahaa Ona Giddaa bakka Guttiin jedhamutti tarkaanfii maayyii irratti fudhate. Basaasni diinaa kun yeroo tarkaanfiin irratti fudhatametti qubattoota keessa sosso’uun qubattootni sochii sabboontota Oromoo fi odeeffannoo sochii humna addaa WBO hordofanii akka gabaasaniif ijaaraa ture. Tarkaanfii humna addaa WBOn fudhatame kanaanis basaastotaa fi lukkeeleen Wayyaanee akka malee rifatuu fi yaaddoon ittii buluu ajajni WBO godinichaa hubachiise.

Oromoon eenyummaa ofii dhiisee waan biraatiif dursa hin kennu

Abdii Boruutiin | Waxabajjii 28, 2013

Waan yeroo ammaa deemaa jiru yoo hubatne, Oromummaa fi qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoorratti karaalee adda addaatiin duulli godhamaa waan jiru fakkaata. Yoon akkana jedhu, hanga har’aatitti duulli hin godhamne jechuu kiyya otuu hin taane, wanti amma mumul’achaa jiru garuu haala adda ta’een argamaa waan jiru fakkaata jechuu kooti. Karaa tokkoon seenaa hanga har’aatti dhagayamee hin beekne barreessuudhaan; Oromoo fi Amaarri (Habashaan) akka sanyii tokko ta’an nutti himu. Akka waan Habshootni Oromoo hin gabroonfatiniitti ibsu. Asirraa ka’uudhaan bu’aalee fi injifannoolee QBOn hanga har’aatti galmeessellee gaafii keessa galchuudhaan; Qubee dhiisaa; alaabaa Itoophiyaa fudhadhaatii isa jalatti hiriiraa fi kkf barreessuudhaan uummata keenya afaanfaajjessuu barbaadu. Karaa biraatiin ammoo, Oromoon tokkoo miti; waluu hin fakkaatani; bifti isaaniillee adda adda; waan saboota biroo wajjin walitti makamaniif baay’ina lakkoofsaa himatu malee, Oromoo qulqulluu kan ta’an lakkoofsi isaaniituu baay’ee xiqqaa dha jechuudhaan saba guddaa fi uummata bal’aa kana xiqqeessuuf yaalii godhu.

Seife Nebelbal Radio Program

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hunger Costs Ethiopian Economy Billions Of Dollars

June 25, 2013: Voice of America

GENEVA — Hunger costs Ethiopia billions of dollars in yearly economic losses, according to a new study.  Led by the African Union Commission, the UN World Food Program (WFP) and Ethiopian government agencies, it says reducing undernutrition will save lives and boost Ethiopia's struggling economy.

The study shows Ethiopia lost an estimated $4.7 billion in 2009 because of child undernutrition. This is equivalent to 16.5 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

The Problem of Ethiopianism in the Amara-Oromo Elite ‘Pilarisim’ Dialogue

By Yared Ayicheh – June 25, 2013

The recent shift in the political narration of Ethiopian Diaspora politics is the desire among some Amara and Oromo elites to engage in dialogue for bridge building among the two elite groups.

At the surface it is a noble idea; but looking closer at the proposed Amara-Oromo bridge building reveals fundamental deformities in the Amara elite camp that make it unfeasible for bridge building to be realized. One of the deformities in the Amara elite is what I call The Problem of Ethiopianism.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

ቡልቻ ደመቅሳ፡- ‹አንድነት› ፓርቲ የገዢዎች ልጆች ናቸው

* ዶ/ር ነጋሶ….. <አማራም ቢሆኑ ውስጡ ገብቼ አንድነትን አጠናክራለው> የሚል አቋም አላቸው።
* አፄ ኃይለስላሴ ኦሮሞነት አለባቸው ይባላል። ኦሮሞነት ስላላቸው የኦሮሞን ታሪክና ባህል አላቸው ማለት ግን አይደለም
* ቡልቻ “አማራ” የሚለውን ቃል ተጠቀመ ብለው [አንድነቶች] ሊከፋቸው አይገባም። ታዲያ እኔ ምን ብዬ ልግለጣቸው? እዛ ያሉትን እኔ የማውቃቸው በአማራነታቸው ነው።
* በአንድነት ውስጥ ያሉ አማራዎች ግን የጀነራል፣ የሀገረ ገዢ፣ የአምባሳደር የአስተማሪና የሲቪል ሰርቪስ ልጆችና የልጅ ልጆች ናቸው።
* አፄ ቴዎድሮስም ቢሆን በጀግንነቱና ወንድነቱ እኛ ኢትዮያውያን ብቻ ሳይሆን መላ አፍሪካ ሊኮራ ይችላል። ነገር ግን እንደ ኦሮሞና ደቡብ ከእሳቸው ጋር አንተዋወቅም።
* አቢሲኒያ የሚባል ሀገር ነበር። ምናልባት ሶስት ሺው ከዚያ ጋር ተያይዞ ሊገለፅ ይችላል። የዛሬው ደቡብ፣ ምስራቅ ምዕራብ አቢሲኒያ አልነበረም።
* [አፄ ምኒልክ ወኪሎቻቸውን በመላክ] ዛሬ የምናውቃትን ኢትዮጵያን ፈጥረዋል።…..ነገሩ ሁሉ የሆነው በጉልበት ነው። በእርግጥ ጀርመንም፣ ጣሊያንም ይሄው ልምድ በመኖሩ በዚህ ላይ እኔ ቅሬታ የለኝም።

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When You Shoot a Zebra in the Black Stripe the White Dies too

June 18, 2013 | By Oumar Hussein

Many commentators either have misunderstood or misquoted Jawar Mohammed. He plainly stated that the Oromo Struggle and the Ethiopian Muslim Protest complementary to one another. He said clearly the two don’t contradict each other. Islam had been weak following its introduction in the northern parts of Ethiopia. As it gradually had penetrated into Oromo Land, the Raaba Doori, the military force of the Gadaa System, defended it. And Islam became part of daily life for many people in Biyya Oromoo/Oromia. It is, therefore, impossible to separate Islam and oromummaa since they have been interwoven. They are two sides of a coin. Even Mahatma Gandhi, one of the fathers of a non-violence movement remarked “those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.”

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dhimmi Oromoo kan dursa argachuu qabu otuu jiruu maaliif dhimmoota biroorratti yeroo keenya fixna?

Abdii Boruutiin |Waxabajjii 17, 2013

Yeroo ammaa, uummatni Oromoo biyya keessattis ta’ee biyya alaa tokko tokko keessatti rakkoolee hamaadhaan xaxamee otuu jiruu; lammiileen Oromoo manoota hidhaa Wayyaanee keessatti dararamaa otuu jiranuu; uummatni keenya qayee issaarraa buqqayee rakkoolee adda addaatiif saaxilamaa otuu jiruu; bahaa fi kibba bahaa Oromiyaa keessatti Sumaaleen uummata keenyarratti duultee lafa isaarraa ari’aa otuu jirtuu; lafti keenya Wayyaaneedhaan gurguramtee dhumaa otuu jirtuu; naannolee (environment) keenya badiin irra gahaa otuu jiruu;walumaagalatti gabrummaa yoomiyyuu caalaa hamaa ta’e keessa otuu jirruu; dhimmoota gurguddoo dursa argachuu qaban kana dhiisnee ykn dagannee, waan xixiqqoorratti yeroo, beekumsa, dandeettii fi humna keenya balleessuun bu’aan isaa eenyuuf ta’a jennee itti yaadnee jirraa? Rakkoolee jiranirratti rakkoolee biroo ofitti daballee sababa kanaan qabsoo bilisummaa keenyaa laaffisuuf yoo ta’e malee, waan dursa argachuu hin qabneef dursa kennuun Oromoof bu’aa hin fidu.

VOA: G/D jiraataa Mayyuu Mulluqqee wajjiin haala yeroo ammaa achiti deemaa jiru irraatti taasise


Friday, June 14, 2013

Haadha gootota hedduu; Ammas diinni kee haa gaddu!

Waxabajjii 13, 2013 (Jiituu Lammii Irraa)

Dur, yoon daa’ima ture, ijoolleen dhiiraa arfaasaa laga, lafa ciraa deemanii gogorrii ykn. sololaa adamsu.  Gogorrii  ykn.  sololaan kiyyoon qabanii galan “ ….alaa sagalee warraa ishee yoo dhageessee baduu yaaddi,  nihuuqqatti.”  Waan jedhamuuf   hanga guyyaan qalmaa gahutti xaafii hammaaranii gurra isheetti naqu – Akka isheen sagalee dhugaa, qooqa fira ishee hindhageenyee gurra duuchanii, raatessanii haaduuf qopheessuudha akeekni isaa. Kun yaaddannoo ijoollummaati. Ittigala dubbii kanaa arguuf waliin haa turru!

Ethiopian parliament votes to strip Egypt of rights to majority of Nile water

June 14, 2013 (Reuters in Addis Ababa)

Tensions rise between neighbours over £4.7bn Great Renaissance Dam project

Ethiopia's parliament has unanimously ratified a treaty that strips Egypt of its right to the lion's share of the Nile river waters, raising the political temperature in a dispute between Cairo and Addis Ababa over the construction of a dam.

The parliament's move follows days of irate exchanges between two of Africa's most populous nations over Ethiopia's new hydroelectric plant, which Egypt fears will reduce a water supply vital for its 84 million people.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Raadiyoo Simbirtuu 06, 06, 2013


Political Opposition Has New Energy in Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopian opposition supporters carried out their first peaceful protest against the government in eight years last week. The demonstration has raised hopes the ruling coalition will give political opponents more room to operate. Three opposition leaders from the past said that no matter what happens, the opposition faces major challenges. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Shirri Habashootni nurratti xaxan yoomuma nuuf gala laata?

Abdii Boruutiin*

Habashootni, tokkummaa ilmaan Oromoo laaffisuuf, qabsoo bilisummaa saba Oromoo dadhabsiisuuf yoo danda’an sirumaa dhabamsiisuuf halkanii guyyaa shira nurratti hojjechaa akka turani fi jiran seenaatu ragaa ta’a. Kun dhugaa waliigalaa waan ta’eef, diinarraa wanti biraas waan hin eegamneef, nama hin dinqu. Kan nama gaddisiisu garuu beeknees ta’ee otuu hin beekin; hubannees ta’ee otuu hin hubatin shira diinaa kanaaf qaawwa uumuu, balbala banuu, meeshaa ta’uu, kanaaf of saaxiluu, kan dabrerraa barchuu dadhabuu keenya dha. “Namni yoo quba tokko nama biraatti qabu, qubni sadeen isumatti akka garagalan hin hubatu” akkuma jedhamu, hubannoon kan jalqabu bakkeen ykn iddoon (position) quba sadeenii kun yoo beekamee dha. Wantin jechuu barbaade, dadhabbii keenya otuu hin hubatin yookaanis dhokfachaa Habashaatti quba qabuun gahaa miti. Yoon akkana jedhu ammoo diinatti hin xiyyeeffannu jechuu otuu hin taane, gabaabumatti mee dura haala keenya haa hubannuu jechuun barbaade.

‘Ethiopia dam harms Egypt water supply’

The photo shows the ceremony of the diversion of the Blue Nile in Guba, Ethiopia, May 28, 2013.

A political analyst says the construction of a dam on the Nile River by Ethiopia will have a negative impact on Egypt™s water supply, Press TV reports.

œIt is clear that the construction of this dam will have a negative impact. The water™s share, which is already limited, will be lessened and this is the real challenge. We are approaching a major problem, which is water shortage,” Ayman Abdul Wahab told Press TV on Wednesday.

Egypt warns ‘all options open’ on Ethiopia dam

June 06, 2013

There must be guarantees that the Ethiopian dam will not harm Egypt otherwise all options are open 

(AFP) - An adviser to Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi warned on Wednesday that “all options are open” in dealing with an Ethiopian Nile river dam if it harms Egypt’s water supply, state media reported.

Oromo-Norwegians views & reflections on the current engagement of the Norwegian Development Policy in Ethiopia

June 05, 2013

By Buttaa Duulo

The Oromo community in Oslo and its surroundings has a long tradition of boosting the Oromo Identity (Oromummaa) that highly empowers the Oromo nationalism to its host and to the wider society.

This community probably is one of the oldest Diaspora based Oromo communities in Europe. From its inception back in the late 1980s the community has been demonstrating for civil right and Oromumma – as one of the ancient folks with rich culture at different occasions on different forums.